The North Star - Paul DeMarco

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sat Jun 27 07:00:23 PDT 2020

The North Star

When ritual bonds fracture, 	
handshakes endanger; 
When veneer peels, reveals 
the sudden care 	
for the jailed, the homeless,  
as mere self-protection;      
When our rulers rule clueless, 
no skill but deception, 		
jockeys for advantage 	
regard-less, care-less,
while their murdochs* 
disgrace the fourth estate;				 
When factions war	
in the uncivil twilight	
like fissured siblings		
at their father’s funeral; 

When our economic engine   
of consumer consumption 	
lurches us sputtering 		
down the bouldered cliff, 	
while, all out 
of touch,	
mad men at the wheel  
scheme to give us 
the business 
as usual,
Hit the gas raving “Go Go Go!”—     	
that’s all they know—    			

What will we do?		
What will it take, this obscure future  	 
that abruptly demands us?				
Where should we start but to find 	
our own center, deeply in touch,   
One by one.	Together.			

	- Paul DeMarco

  *Murdoch - a Scottish term for describing a man who is “a selfish old beast”

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