Bound to Words - fran claggett-holland

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Thu May 7 07:00:11 PDT 2020

Bound to Words

Even in isolation
I am bound to words
already written
already spoken
not negating but
subtly changing the
atmosphere we live
and breathe in

And do we live and breathe
the purity of air, the
breeze and blossoming trees
that signal spring came 
a month ago and we didn’t 
notice because we were practicing 
social distancing, hoping one day
to get it right

They ask, are you lonely
and I say no, I am not lonely
but I miss the fulness of the life 
we lived for so many years 
I miss it as if you were still here 
when I went on living 
just as if you would be here 
in this house when I got home

How could I be lonely when my 
heart is filled with memory
and promise when those I love
who never met you but know
your voice when I read my poems
to them and I can’t explain
how it is to have you with me
here inside these words of isolation

	- fran claggett-holland
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