Pilgrim - David Whyte

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Sun May 31 06:48:02 PDT 2020


I bow to the lark
and its tiny
lifted silhouette
before infinity.
I promise myself
to the mountain
and to the foundation
from which 
my future comes.
I make my vow
to the stream
flowing beneath, 
and to the water
toward all thirst,
I pledge myself 
to the sea
to which it goes
and to the mercy 
of my disappearance,
and though 
I may be
left alone
or abandoned by
the unyielding present
or orphaned 
in some far 
unspoken place,
I will speak 
with a voice 
of loyalty
and faith
to the far shore
where everything 
turns to arrival,
if only in the sound 
of falling waves
and I will listen 
with sincere
and attentive eyes and ears
for a final invitation,
so that I can 
be that note half-heard
in the flying lark song,
or that tint 
on a far mountain 
brushed with the subtle 
grey of dawn...
A river gone by,
still looking
as if it hasn’t …

	- David Whyte
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