October 2020 - Karl Frederick

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Tue Oct 20 06:56:05 PDT 2020

October 2020

I don’t wish to dwell
on the oppressive heat, incessant smoke, and
uncertainty about whether to hang clothes in the closet, or 
stuff them into a suitcase 

Words can’t begin 
to salve the pain of isolation 
from family 
dear companions

I can’t complain for myself
when others lose their jobs and homes 
endure the collapse of social services 
suffer the pain and humiliation of poverty

I do however notice who benefits
when the infernal machine 
of insatiable economics 
buoys the stock market
ignores unemployment, foreclosures, hunger, and health

Priorities become obvious when 
the disarrayed government
no longer a lifeline against disaster
fails to halt the agonizing slide 
into debt and despair

Political charade carries the farce forward

Beyond the coffins of our hopes and dreams
we see dimly, by the flickering bonfire of old promises 
our tattered reputation and flag 
lying at the feet of the powerful

	- Karl Frederick

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