Eavesdropping on angels - Bruce Silverman

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Wed Sep 23 06:09:45 PDT 2020

Eavesdropping on angels

Yesterday, just as Rosh Hashanah was ending,
I managed to slip through the dream time and
heard R.B.G.’s  two guardian angels chatting. Said 
one: “Oy gevalt, those humans are slow to get it; 
a Tzadik’s life, like all lives is scripted for greatness,
but some beings grasp the plan with a fervor that 
only gods and angels manifest.” “Oy gatinu” said
the other. “We infuse humans with  sacred teachings
and stories that not only the life, but also the death
of such beings becomes a rarified shofar blast that
jolts humankind.” Now we all really get it. We feel it 
humming in the rarified air of change within moments
of her passing, we sense it now as the donations swell, 
and lesser beings run for cover and choke on their 
hypocrisy. Most of all we saw it, and remember with 
broken hearts, the subtle impish smile on the face  
of this tiny giant as she broke barriers that persisted
for centuries. We sense this rare presence and decorate
it with initials like F.D.R., M.L.K., and of now, R.B.G. 
We ask: what doth the lord require of thee but to do
justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy god.
And pump iron at age 85.

	- Bruce Silverman

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