Finding Home - Phyllis Kirson

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Wed Jun 2 06:42:27 PDT 2021

Finding Home

I love how the roots of flower and vegetable starts tuck into the fresh 
soil and make a home for themselves

I love how delicious food graces your mouth and then your belly and 
your whole body seems to wrap around it and take it in.

I love how when you meet a kindred spirit your heart leaps in 
recognition of yet another place to call home

I love how when you sit in meditation calling all your worldly energy 
back to yourself that from deep down your breath finds you again

Or how a simple poem, laughter, or suddenly a favorite song can re-
member the scattered and fragile places that you didn’t know were 
homeless until you did, and you find yourself remarkably, home again

And you realize not for the first time, that things sometimes feel elusive 
but that the fruit, the friend, the food, the song, the breath gathers you 
up in transport and brings you where you long to be.

	- Phyllis Kirson
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