Devotion - Mary Morgan

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Thu Aug 26 06:31:20 PDT 2021


Years ago in Camden, 
in the pre-dawn light,
He would come out of his book shop,
still dressed in his pajamas and robe.
He took his broom 
and swept his sidewalk and street.
His broom danced the dance of devotion.

I saw the face of “praising”
as he moved the broom with intention.
He gazed into the timeless dawn,
And you could see the dawning 
of the day in his devoted love.

Decades later, now, I go out onto the street
in pajamas and robe in the early predawn light,
with the moon still high in the sky.
With broom in hand,
I recognize this beautiful devotion.
And my broom finds the dance that praises the light.

Now the flowers in the flower boxes,
bow their heads in recognition, 
not so much of the clean street,
as the devotion of entering the timeless
and finding devotion and praising after all these years.

	- Mary Morgan

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