Between Grief and Hope - Isabelle St. Jean

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Thu Aug 18 05:27:17 PDT 2022

Between Grief and Hope

I don’t know what to do she says….
Sitting across, her face in the grip of anguish
explaining, in English as a second language, 
that her son, now in the peak of teenage years
is once again inhabited by the malevolence of cancer

I don’t know what to do she says…
recounting the conversation with the oncologist,
after months of treatments…
they said he will be given chemo for a while and then 
It will probably be part of the palliative plan
I didn’t know what that word – palliative - meant she said
wiping tears dripping on her cheeks

Now in the torturous discomfort of helplessness, she turns within
to wrap the arms of her heart around the deepest yearning 
ever felt….to summon…nothing less than…. a miracle

	- Isabelle St. Jean

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