angle pitch and flow - Kurt Kuhwald

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Mon May 22 05:54:53 PDT 2023

angle  pitch  and  flow

Death said, now I too am orphan.
Ghazal for the End of Time [Ledger]
Jane Hirshfield

Let seed burst be the act (fruition) of our intention
Let fruit rot be the soul-soil of our expression
	giving from the death-edge of ripeness

May we be known by the ancestors
Known to have bodies and an integrity
Known to give flight to shadows and life to still water
This is a time to bring light into the cave of denial
	where bat-sensitive receptors waken
	where ancient paint-smeared hands feel their weight
				and the weight of the pierced

May we be backed by the ancestors
	ancestors not of our  lineage alone, but of our humanity

These bodies.  Centered.  Within their skin. Porous to the infinite.
	The place where life is held     held as testing trail
		a fruit orchard     a burial ground.    an old growth forest
		a Tenderloin alley     a scythe     the print of foot in silt

These bodies.  Held.  Embraced.  Fluid with power.  Rooted.
	The home where we are taken home     again
	an angle pitch and flow     a vast night     a silence     

	- Kurt Kuhwald
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