Take All The Time You Need - Linda Graham

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Sat Sep 2 06:29:30 PDT 2023

Take All The Time You Need
The house didn’t get cleaned
Because the camellias were blooming
And my soul took all the time it needed
To honor their flowering.
The house didn’t get cleaned
Because the sun burned away the storm clouds at last
And my body took all the time it needed
To bask in the warmth and rejoice.
The house didn’t get cleaned
Because one friend turned 50
And another friend fractured her pelvis
And another friend spontaneously
Showed up for sushi
And two more friends got married.
Our hearts took all the time we needed for
Food and fun and laughter.
Being together in Sabbath time more important
Than sweeping the dust bunnies.
The house didn’t get cleaned,
And so when friends came over tonight,
We filled the house with soup and salad,
Love and light, poetry and music
Tears and laughter.
And our deepest selves
Took all the time we needed
To hold and cherish one another
In the house filled with dust bunnies
And comfort and love.

	- Linda Graham

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