A Scream For The Planet That Was Us - Ed Coletti

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Tue Sep 5 05:23:51 PDT 2023

A Scream For The Planet That Was Us

When that April with his showers sweet
The drought of March has pierced root deep
And bathed each vein with liquor of such power
That engendered from it is the flower

—Geoffrey Chaucer circa 1390
The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

You have stolen my dreams my childhood 
with your empty words
We are in the beginning of a mass extinction 
all you can talk about is money 
and fairy tales of eternal economic growth – 
how dare you!

—Greta Thunberg at  2019 UN Climate Action Summit

During periods when people acted considerately
before earth’s early third millennium
when thereafter mankind, from honesty freed,
chose riches over sufficiency as its sole creed
scorned womenkind’s geomancy, forfeiting heed 
while mankind persisted in shortsighted greed,

Avarice expunged swaths of delible earth;
Were a god invoked by the name of “Nemesis” 
she never would bear self-interest from Hubris 
damaging all bequests from the deities.
Inevitable that she would respond most passionately
with thunderbolts fires temblors and freeze,
this Nemesis sowing the crops of her fury.

But all that presently collapses upon us
when mankind, its very own god of concupiscence,
greedily rips open its remaining sole gift
raping it fracking it breaching its virtue
stealing its forests plundering all beauty
befouling the very sweetness of air
What is to be done about absence of color?

Lament the passing of goodness’s tears,
scream the words of young Greta Thunberg
How dare you?     How dare you! 
Then thusly     you’ve     dared.

	- Ed Coletti
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