Winter Solstice - Jane Mickelson

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Tue Dec 19 05:33:54 PST 2023

Winter Solstice

My Lady Darkness walks the hall, revelry over and all but she asleep.

A stirring within recalls her to tomorrow's approaching labor; once again her shining child will arrive.

My Lady Darkness wraps herself in midnight and dreams a lullaby,

combs the aurora from her winter-black hair,  and slips off her dancing shoes.

She stoops to smoor the fire, banking each smoldering ember under a blanket of ash 'till not a glow escapes, then picks up her wooden spindle.

Tomorrow the glory, the golden light, will turn the year toward brightness, 
as she spins the heavy darkness onto the distaff of time.

Draped in sable, ripe with light, our Lady turns and turns, 
crafting the shadows into a cradle to rock the promised child.

Around, around in her labor she whirls,
turning the midnight into the dawn.

She is dancing in the Darkness,
dancing in the Light.

	- Jane Mickelson
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