The Great Teaching of the Split Leaf Monstera Plant- bruce silverman

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sun Jan 7 05:38:55 PST 2024

The Great Teaching of the
Split Leaf Monstera Plant

What could be more mundane  
Than a poem about a house plant? 
Well, I’ve befriended ours, the
One our daughter gave us after
Moving from the once dependable
And eulogized golden California
Sun, now, too often, a dull and
Unbreathable orange haze in so
Many places on this earth, as we
humans grope for yet more
comfort and ease. 

So listen closely to what the plant
Offers as a reminder each morning:  

“It’s so simple. I capture the sun’s
Rays both for my leaves that stand 
Out, but also for those that lie 
below me on the forest floor, 
I split open my leafy hands to share
the light with my brothers and sisters
behind me, so they too can thrive. 
My hands begin as tiny pale green 
Protrusions and I listen attentively
To my DNA profiling that guides me
To consider all who exist on the 
earth’s precious lap. You see, we
All belong here and yes, even we, 
Simple house plants, see the big 
Picture, that we must make room 
For those who lie below and behind. 
We are called to open our hands 
and hearts so others can survive, 
where the light of the warming sun
Touches the outstretched arms of all.  
Every living thing on this earth is 
Essential, especially those that so
Often, are huddling in the darkness.”  

	- bruce silverman
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