Another Unfinished Story - Pamela Williams

Lawrence Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sat Feb 3 05:43:16 PST 2024

Another Unfinished Story

Not so very far beyond the wall.
Visions remain of that blue bra in the dirt.
It was utilitarian, likely cotton.
Nothing seductive about it.
Practicality to launch a new life.
Odd or perhaps not,
that is was the surviving artifact. 
Only identifying gender
for us to offer respect.
Scattered ribs and tibia
pointing ultimately to the cranium,
mandible, two scapula,
perhaps a hyoid.
Not expecting to dredge up 
those proper terms
for these few scattered remnants
of a once complete, courageous and optimistic woman.
Alone in this finality
except for our blessing
and our longing for so much more for her.

	 - Pamela Williams

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