Islands in the Stream - George Stenger

Lawrence Robinson Lrobpoet at
Tue Jul 30 05:24:20 PDT 2024

Islands in the Stream
     (the Hemingway novel, not the country western song)

Islands in the stream
Or clouds in bright blue sky
Crazy things that happen
to you or me and why
Why do they happen?

Friends visit in a dream

Islands In this stream 
of consciousness,
these clouds that dot the
blue sky of my life,
are right below the surface 
and right above my awareness 
and always with me

These islands are my heart’s
way of holding a place for dear friends
These clouds are their faces,
looking in on me and with me always —
as this crazy stream of consciousness
(and unconsciousness, to be sure)
carries me along.

They’re from Redstone, Colorado and Morro Bay,
Oceanside and Madison and Buffalo
Portland and Sacramento, Forestville and Cloverdale,
Claremont, Yuma and Valley Springs

(It is a new year, and you need to know
you are with me—
You have been with me

	- George Stenger
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