Prayer and Cosmos - Bruce Silverman

Lawrence Robinson Lrobpoet at
Tue Oct 8 06:12:56 PDT 2024

Prayer and Cosmos 

Three great rebbes wrestle with the hermeneutics of prayer: 
does god pray, to whom, and what are those prayers? 

The inquisitive Earthling asks the reflective moon about the prayers of the Sun. 

>From Rabbi Yochanan we learn that God prays; then
Rabbi Zutra ben Tobi reflects and relates god’s prayer only to discover that the Holy one received the same prayer from Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha.

Amazingly, the prayers of sun and moon overlap, so a major eclipse of sorts is unfolding from where we stand, here upon the earth. 

Each planet plays it’s part, each Rebbe speaks his truth, and the Holy One keeps shining the one great light.  

The three align perfectly as they hurtle through space and time.

>From the earth we watch the moon block the sun and we cheer as it reaches totality.

“Look how the sun and moon are joined, offering the same prayer” we say in that magnificent moment. 

What we and the Rabbis forget is that the whirling planets and their heartfelt prayers are always reaching for totality.

	- Bruce Silverman

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