Practice Every Day Forgiveness - Gail Onion

Lawrence Robinson Lrobpoet at
Tue Oct 15 05:15:07 PDT 2024

Practice Every Day Forgiveness

Forgive the cold morning,
the misplaced keys, they’ll turn up, 
the friend who was supposed to call,
the hour on the clock.

Forgive the way things were 
or are supposed to be,
the wrinkles,
the plans that didn’t work out,
the unfinished PHD.

Forgive the little things that go wrong,
the big things will take some time.
Then what’s left to do is
compassion and gratitude.
People still read books,
make music. 
Children still play outside.
Some people even have manners, 
though many are losing their
grip on reality.

Another morning, 
redwing black birds are singing.
Share a bowl of porridge with friends.
Wine will come later,
as will everything else.
Come sit in the sun 
on the edge of uncertainty
with me.

	- Gail Onion

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