Election Day Fantasia - Bob Engel

Lawrence Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Mon Oct 28 06:16:48 PDT 2024

Election Day Fantasia

Today I am pretending
That the news comes
By sail from far away
That first the masts are sighted
Then the slow approach
The docking
Bolts of cloth carried, casks of honey rolled,
And journey-jangled horses led
Blind-folded down onto the welcoming
Solid ground and grass
Only then do we remember to ask of
The sailors: Who won the battle?
Whether the Whites held, 
or if the Black ships
Conquered them.
Today I choose to pretend
That the news comes from far away
Because I, like the horses
Fear accepting the new
Not knowing if the new will be welcoming
Solid and green
Or only more of the same
Jangling journey.

	- Bob Engel
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