Is It A Poem Or A Prayer? - Gail Onion

Lawrence Robinson Lrobpoet at
Thu Nov 21 06:44:11 PST 2024

Is It A Poem Or A Prayer?

As long as we have poets and poetry 
we will be all right.

Their roots are firm in truth and in the soil 
and in the soul
of the earth.

They make a beautiful noise out voting hate and fear,
the way a bird singing 
on the darkest night sea journey
gives direction and peace. 

So I am not going to just be here now,
wallowing in the muck of greed and hard hearts.
I will be with 
those who imagine another here,
a feast of beauty and joy, not here yet
but on its way. 

We will make the wonder that is this world dream again,
for one heart song leads to another

words with hearts 
words with souls

Now they sing as they fall,
now they sing hope as they rise.

Poetry was born with the earth.

Look! the ones we need are in seeds

Listen! the music of their arrival
is in each of us.

The world has a chance to deliver the seed .

Pass it on. Do not fear.
Feel the warmth as it comes to you. 

Touch the new smooth life
as it passes along and through.	

The world has a chance to deliver the seed .. 

Keep the impossible good 

as we have done since we discovered

 It is for love after all
 that we will do this.

	- Gail Onion

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