[Pollinator] Fw: pollinator attractants

Jen Marks jm at coevolution.org
Tue Nov 28 11:58:31 PST 2006

A pollinator question from a student in Ohio . . .
----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe bass 
To: info at pollinator.org 
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 8:29 PM
Subject: pollenator attractants

Hi. My name is Joe Bass. I am currently doing undergraduate research at Ohio University Southern. My research is to develop an alternative approach to fighting the encroachment of Non-native invasive plants by using native pollinators to lessen the impact. I am awaiting a grant to fund this research starting this spring. I am aware that plants emit a chemical attractant that is species specific. I am also aware that flowers have colors that can only be detected by the insect that is meant to disperse or pollinate their particular genetic material. I don't know the specifics though on any of these processes. This is where I need some of your advice. Q#1. Can a chemical attractant be developed to enhance the attractant capabilities of native host plants?. Q#2. Are there growth hormones that can increase seed production?. Q#3. What is the potential cost for such research to produce a species specific product? Q#4 Is there a possible environmental backlash that might occur. If you could think this over and reply I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you 

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