[Pollinator] Divine Butterflies

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Thu May 22 17:15:03 PDT 2008

Thanks to Chip Taylor who forwarded this from a  friend.
FYI - The Divine Miss M restores habitats for butterflies and other  
pollinators in NYC.

>   I had an  epiphany today that if someone gave me an
>all-expenses-paid trip to  Vegas, I'd probably decline,
>but if someone gave me an all-expenses-paid  trip to
>Vegas to see the Divine Miss M, I'd say yes in  a
>   I've always been a big fan of Bette  Midler's, and
>now I'm even a bigger fan, because she spearheads  a
>project to re-green New York City, and she said on an
>NPR  program today that her New York Restoration
>Project (not the singing, or  dancing, or acting) is
>what she hopes will be her legacy. I was perusing  her
>Web site this evening and came across the link below,
>about  something her NYRP is part of, "The Butterfly
>Project," which is designed  to bring awareness of the
>benefits of having butterflies in city  environs. NYRP
>even got a $10,000 city grant to develop  pollinator
>curriculum to be used at various grade levels. Here  is
>the link from the NYRP  site:

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