[Pollinator] AOB Special Plant-Pollinator Issue

ladadams at aol.com ladadams at aol.com
Tue May 26 03:20:24 PDT 2009

       The Annals of Botany is publishing a special issue featuring 22 
articles on
the Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Pollinator Interactions.  Several of 
articles have a strong conservation focus, especially those by:

Lonsdorf, E., Kremen, C., Ricketts, T., Winfree, R., Williams, N. and 
   "Modelling pollination services across agricultural landscapes"

Aizen, M. A., Garibaldi, L. A., Cunningham, S. A. and Klein, A. M.
     "How much does agriculture depend on pollinators? Lessons from 
trends in crop production"

Mitchell, R. J., Flanagan, R. J., Brown, B. J., Waser, N. M. and 
Karron, J. D.
   "New frontiers in competition for pollination"

In addition, many of the articles focus on pollination by bumble bees,

Karron, J. D., Holmquist, K. G., Flanagan, R. J. and Mitchell, R. J.
     "Pollinator visitation patterns strongly influence among-flower 
variation in
selfing rate"

Ohashi, K. and Thomson, J. D.
     "Trapline foraging by pollinators: its ontogeny, economics and 
consequences for plants

       We've attached a PDF with a copy of the Cover Page, the Table of 
and the content summaries.

       The special issue will be posted online by the end of May.  
Please visit
the AOB website: http://aob.oxfordjournals.org/
Also, feel free to request preprints from the corresponding authors.

     With best wishes,

     Jeff Karron
     Rebecca Irwin
     Randy Mitchell

Dr. Jeff Karron
Associate Professor
Pollination Ecology and Conservation Biology
Department of Biological Sciences
P.O. Box 413
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI  53201
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