[Pollinator] US EPA Region 7 Environmental Education Grants - Applications Due Dec. 15

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Wed Nov 4 15:16:21 PST 2009

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7
901 N. Fifth St., Kansas  City, KS 66101

Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Nine Tribal  Nations

Environmental Education Grants Available

Contact  Information: Denise Morrison, (913)  551-7402,
morrison.denise at epa.gov

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., October 30, 2009) - Proposals for  Environmental
Education grants to develop new programs or to improve the  quality of
existing programs will be accepted through Dec. 15, 2009 from  Iowa,
Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska communities by EPA Region 7 in  Kansas
City, Kan.

EPA regional offices may award grants up to $50,000.  Grants over $50,000
and up to $200,000 are awarded by EPA headquarters in  Washington.

Proposals should be mailed to Denise Morrison, Environmental  Education
Coordinator, Office of Public Affairs, EPA Region 7, 901 N. 5th  St.,
Kansas City, KS 66101. They must be received by 5 p.m. (CST) Dec.  15.
Proposals received after the due date will not be considered.  The
Solicitation Notice announcing the grants program is available on  the
Web at http://www.epa.gov/enviroed/grants.html.

Parties interested  in applying for the grants may contact Mrs. Morrison
at  morrison.denise at epa.gov, or by calling (913) 551-7402, or toll-free,
(800)  223-0425.

Environmental Education grants provide funding to local  education
agencies, state education or environmental agencies, colleges  or
universities, not-for-profit organizations, or noncommercial  educational
broadcasting entities. Tribal education agencies, which are  controlled
by an Indian tribe, band or nation, may also apply, including a  school
or community college.

These projects should involve designing,  demonstrating or developing
education tools and materials. Projects should be  environmental
education activities that go beyond disseminating  information.

# # #

Laurie Davies Adams
Executive  Director
Pollinator Partnership 
423 Washington Street, 5th  floor
San Francisco, CA  94111
LDA at pollinator.org

_www.pollinator.org_ (http://www.pollinator.org/) 

_www.nappc.org_ (http://www.nappc.org/) 

National Pollinator Week is June 21-27, 2010. 
Beecome  involved at _www.pollinator.org_ (http://www.pollinator.org/) 
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