[Pollinator] BZZZZZZ SAVE THE DATE (September 29) for PollinatorLIVE!

Jennifer Tsang jt at pollinator.org
Tue Sep 7 09:33:06 PDT 2010

Thanks to Larry Stritch for forwarding the below:

Greetings Pollinator Partners! 

Join PollinatorLIVE on Wednesday, September 29, 2010, for an electronic
field trip to the Washington Youth Garden at the U.S. National Arboretum in
Washington, D.C. for a series of webcasts exploring "Native Bees, Honey
Bees, Gardening, and More."  PollinatorLIVE will be webcasting from 11 a.m.
to 1:45 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), so BUZZ in to watch and
participate in any or all of the program segments.  Start thinking about
what questions you want the experts to answer, and let us know what you are
doing for pollinators in your schoolyard or community. 

 <http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org/> http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org 

Some highlights of this program include: 
11 - 11:30 a.m. EDT - Tour of the Washington Youth Garden 
Green dreams sprout at the Washington Youth Garden (WYG) where students
plant and harvest vegetables and tend native plants.  Kaifa Anderson-Hall,
WYG Director, and Chris Turse, WYG coordinator, will lead a garden tour
focusing on garden types and garden basics.   U.S. Forest Service landscape
architects Matt Arnn and Mike Hill will share inspiring gardening design
tips for improving places for pollinators. 

11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. EDT - Bees: Native and Honey 
Learn about our native bees and honey bees and the important roles each play
in the environment, threats to these pollinators, and how you can help.
Naturalist Alonzo Abugattas will talk about our native bee species, and Dr.
Jeff Pettis, leader of the USDA Bee Research Laboratory, will open a hive
and show us inside their home. 

12:30 - 1 p.m. EDT - Bats, Butterflies, and Other Insect Pollinators 
Bees aren't the only pollinators in the garden.  Bats, butterflies, and
other insect pollinators get in on the act.  U.S. Forest Service
entomologist Carol Randall will show us what she and a group of students
find on an insect hunt.  The Bug Chicks will provide a whimsical look at
mimicry and touch on some of our most misunderstood pollinator friends.   

1:15 - 1:45 p.m. EDT - Pollinator Kitchen Market and Cafe 
Since pollinators help create delicious food in the garden (one out of every
three bites of food is the result of a pollinator), Carla Hall, a finalist
in the Top Chef cooking challenge, and several students will show how to
prepare tasty and nutritious food from the garden while "cooking with love."
Also, Woodsy Owl will send the conservation message, "Lend a Hand, Care for
the Land," by sharing an activity about composting for your garden! 

To watch the programs live on September 29, go to
<http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org/> http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org and click
on a link to register for the live webcast.  Please visit the website prior
to 9/29 and click on the link to test your ability to view the live webcast.
For a list of system requirements necessary to view the webcast, go to
http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org/program/participate.php.  The entire webcast
will also be simultaneously translated in Spanish. 

In partnership with Project Learning TreeR (PLT), an award-winning national
environmental education program, GreenWorks! pollinator garden grants of up
to $500 are being offered through PollinatorLIVE.  For more information and
the requirements, go to
http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org/gardening/grants.php.  The deadline to apply
is December 3, 2010. 

Go to the PollinatorLIVE web site at  <http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org/>
http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org to learn more.  The web site also features
resources that meet National Science Education Standards for the classroom.
PollinatorLIVE targets students in grades 4 - 8, but lesson plans and
activities are available to teachers and students in all grade levels.  Live
webinars offering educator credits will also be offered to teachers during
the school year. 

Questions?  Contact Kristy Liercke at lierckkx at pwcs.edu or (800) 609-2680 or
Tamberly Conway at tkconway at fs.fed.us or  202-401-4063.  Follow us on
Twitter @ PWNet.  PollinatorLIVE is brought to you by the USDA Forest
Service and many other sponsors and partners. 

Please help to spread the buzz about PollinatorLIVE!  We hope to see you


Tamberly Conway, M.S. 
Conservation Education Coordinator
U.S. Forest Service
National Forests and Grasslands in Texas
tkconway at fs.fed.us

August 22 - October 1
Washington Office detail

National Forests and Grasslands in Texas
415 S. First St., Suite 110
Lufkin, TX  75901-3801
Phone:  (936) 639-8558
Mobile:  (337) 304-5872
Fax:  (936) 639-8588
tkconway at fs.fed.us

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