[Pollinator] Fwd: CATCH THE BUZZ - Bees' Internal Clocks can Change

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Wed Sep 15 21:19:24 PDT 2010

 From: Kim at BeeCulture.com
To: LDA at pollinator.org
Sent: 9/15/2010 9:51:19  A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: CATCH THE BUZZ - Bees' Internal  Clocks can Change

This ezine is also available online at 

Our  next webinar will have a slightly different format than those you’ve 
seen in  the past. Get comfortable because it will be two hours long. The 
first  hour will focus on overwintering bees. We will discuss location (urban,  
rural), pests and predators, feeding, temperature extremes, as well as much 
 more. This discussion features  Michael Palmer, a commercial beekeeper in  
northern Vermont, to help us with the northern climates, and Harry Fulton,  
retired State Apiarist from Mississippi, who will bring the southern  
perspective. To fill in the bits and pieces, Kim Flottum, editor of Bee  Culture 
Magazine will be joining us. That is the first hour. The second hour  will 
be a panel discussion of sorts on all things beekeeping. We have had  
numerous requests for just an Q;& A session. With this panel, there is not  a 
question they won't be able to answer. 
This  Webinar is brought to you courtesy of Brushy Mountain Bee  Farm 
Overwintering  bees and Panel Discussion
Date: Sept 21, 2010
Time: 6:00-8:00PM EST
Space is limited. Registration is free so reserve your  Webinar seat now 
at: _For more information  and registration Click Here_ 
Bees Change Their  Internal Clocks 
Honey bees removed  from their usual roles in the hive quickly and 
drastically changed their  biological rhythms, according to a study in the Sept. 15 
issue of The  Journal of Neuroscience. The changes were evident in both the 
bees'  behavior and in their internal clocks. These findings indicate that 
social  environment has a significant effect on the physiology and behavior 
of  animals. In people, disturbances to the biological clock are known to 
cause  problems for shift workers and new parents and for contributing to mood  
Circadian rhythm, the  body's "internal clock," regulates daily functions. 
A few "clock genes"  control many actions, including the time of sleeping, 
eating and drinking,  temperature regulation, and hormone fluctuations. 
However, exactly how that  clock is affected by — and affects — social 
interactions with other animals is  unknown.  
Senior author Guy  Bloch, PhD, and his colleagues from The Hebrew 
University of Jerusalem,  Israel, chose to study bees in part because of their 
complex social  environment. One role in bee society is the "nurse": bees that are 
busy at all  times caring for larvae. This continuous activity is different 
from other bees  and animals, whose levels rise and fall throughout the 
Bloch and his team  thought that changing the nurse bees' social 
environment might alter their  activity levels, so they separated them from their 
larvae. The researchers  found that the bees' cellular rhythms and behavior 
completely changed,  matching a more typical circadian cycle. 
"Our findings show  that circadian rhythms of honey bees are altered by 
signals from the brood  that are transferred by close or direct contact," Bloch 
said. "This  flexibility in the bees' clock is striking, given that humans 
and most other  animals studied cannot sustain long periods of 
around-the-clock activity  without deterioration in performance and an increase in  
The results suggest  that the bees' internal clocks were shaped by certain 
social cues. Jürgen  Tautz, PhD, of the Julius-Maximilians Universität 
Würzburg in Germany, an  expert in honey bee biology who was unaffiliated with 
the study, said it is a  wonderful example of the tightly regulated 
interactions between genes and  behavior in a bee colony. "The presence or absence of 
larvae switched the  genes 'on' or 'off,' which guaranteed the adaptive 
behavior of the bees,"  Tautz said.  
Because bees and  mammals' circadian clocks are similarly organized, the 
question is whether the  clocks of other animals also strongly depend on their 
social environments. The  next step is to find just how social exchanges 
influence gene expressions.  Further research into this question may have 
implications for individuals who  suffer from disturbances in their behavioral, 
sleeping, and waking cycles.  Research into how these rhythms may be altered 
and even stabilized might  identify new treatment options. 
Build an entire  bee hive with just a table saw. Go to _Garreson 
(http://www.makingbeehives.com/?utm_source=catchthebuzz&utm_medium=email&utm_content=garresonpublishing&utm_campaign=byline) . Books by Peter  
Find out What’s New At Mann Lake right _Here_ 
Protein  feeding pays off with better bee health, better survival, better 
production,  and better wintering.  _Learn  More._ 
Subscribe  to Malcolm Sanford’s _Apis  Newsletter_ 
(http://www.apis.shorturl.com/)   right here For a comprehensive listing of beekeeping events around 
the country  and around the globe, check out Bee Culture’s _Global  
Beekeeping Calendar_ (http://my.calendars.net/bee_culture/)    
Check  out the Biggest Honey Show there is this fall at 
_www.honeyshow.co.uk_ (http://www.honeyshow.co.uk/)    
This  message brought to you by _Bee  Culture,_ 
(http://www.beeculture.com/)   The Magazine Of American Beekeeping, published by the _A.I.  Root 
Company._ (http://www.rootcandles.com/)   Read an EXCLUSIVE CHAPTER from Tom Seeley
’s new book Honey Bee Democracy, only  on Bee Culture’s web page _Here!_ 

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