[Pollinator] Honey Bee Health Request for Proposal - Deadline March 1st

Jennifer Tsang jt at pollinator.org
Tue Feb 14 09:58:04 PST 2012

Dear Pollinator Listserv:


This is a friendly reminder to please distribute the below and attached
Request for Proposals for NAPPC Honey Bee Health grants widely.  More
information about the NAPPC Honey Bee Health Grant is available at


The deadline is Thursday, March 1st.  People from Canada, the U.S., and
Mexico are welcome to apply. Thank you!


North American Pollinator Protection Campaign

Call for Research Proposals Related to Honey Bee Health


The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) is seeking
proposals for research related to improving the health of honey bees.
Summaries of previously funded projects can be found at
http://www.pollinator.org/honeybee_health.htm.   Review and selection of
proposals will be conducted by members of the Honey Bee Health Improvement
Task Force. 


We anticipate supporting proposals of up to $3,500.  Funds must be used
within a one-year period.  Focused, targeted projects with a high likelihood
of providing tangible results that can be applied to improving honey bee
health are preferred.  Proposals providing valuable extensions of previously
funded projects will be considered. The HBH Task Force has identified six
priority areas for funding, though other areas will be considered as well.
Proposals that address multiple priority areas or have implications for the
health of other managed or native bee species are encouraged:


1.         Effects of nutrition on honey bee behavior, physiology and/or
colony health

2.         Effects of pesticides on honey bee behavior, physiology and/or
colony health

3.         Effects of pathogens and pests on honey bee behavior, physiology
and/or colony health; including the development of novel methods to mitigate
these effects, such as RNAi technology

4.         Development of methods to improve genetic stocks of managed honey
bee populations 

5.         Effects of climate or environmental variables on: a) plants,
especially nectar and pollen quantity and quality; and/or b) honey bee
physiology and/or colony health 

6.         The development of diagnostics or indicators for the presence of
stressors that effect honey bee health, particularly those that can be used
by beekeepers  


The proposals should include:

1)     3 page-project description (references are not included in this page
limit) with sufficient background and description of methods to ascertain
the importance and feasibility of the studies.  

2)     Detailed budget that includes funds for the principal investigator to
attend the 3-dau annual NAPPC International Conference in Washington, DC
this October 2012 to present the results of the research. As a nonprofit
organization, NAPPC does not pay overhead on funded research grants.  

3)     2-page CV of the principal investigator(s).  

4)     If the proposal is under consideration by other funding
organizations, please include this information as well.  


Please send your proposal packets as a single PDF file by electronic mail to
Jennifer Tsang ( <mailto:jt at pollinator.org> jt at pollinator.org) by Thursday,
March 1st, 2012.  Contact Christina Grozinger (cmgrozinger at psu.edu) with
questions.  The proposals will be evaluated by members of the HBH Task
Force, and funding decisions will be made by Tuesday, March 13th, 2012.



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