[Pollinator] July 9 UMD Master Gardeners Create a Pollinator Garden

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Fri Jun 21 17:59:34 PDT 2013

'Creating a Pollinator Garden' set for July 9

June  19, 2013
The Washington County Master Gardeners will hold a free workshop titled  “
Creating a Pollinator Garden” Tuesday, July 9, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the  
Washington County Agricultural Education Center at 7303 Sharpsburg Pike in  
Participants will learn why pollinators such as bees, butterflies  
hummingbirds, moths and more are important to our food supply and to the  
They will be introduced to plants that attract pollinators as they tour the 
 new pollinator garden at the center. 
Class members will also learn about  building healthy habitat for specific 
pollinators with water sources, food for  caterpillars, native plants, plant 
diversity and limited use of pesticides. 
The class is free, but registration is required. 
Those intending to participate can register by calling Diane Woodring at  
301-791-1504 of by sending her an email at _dwoodrin at umd.edu._ 
(mailto:dwoodrin at umd.edu)  
Volunteer educators with the University of Maryland Extension, Master  
Gardeners teach people safe, effective gardening practices that build healthy  
gardens and communities.


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