[Pollinator] Too many bees in Brussels?

Matthew Shepherd mdshepherd at xerces.org
Fri May 9 06:57:25 PDT 2014

FROM: The Bulletin (Xpats)


Too many bees in Brussels, say environmental groups

May 8, 2014

Alan Hope

Brussels is now home to too many bees as a result of companies, municipal
authorities and other organisations trying to present a more “green” image,
according to environmental group Apis Bruoc Sella, which specialises in
educating the public about wild and domesticated bees.

“We’re in the process of making catastrophic mistakes,” said the
organisation’s co-ordinator Marc Wollast. “Every municipality and
association these days wants to have a beehive on the roof or in the
garden, but they don’t think about the consequences.”

Those can include, he says, a disruption of the ecosystem for other bees
and other insects. “It’s as if people were to buy a cow, although they have
no grass in their garden,” Wollast said. Bees need food, and there is not
enough for the city’s wild bees at present.

The city’s bee population, estimated at about 55 million, keeps on growing.
Last year two hives were placed on the roof of City 2 shopping centre,
joining hives on the nearby administrative buildings of the city. The Jette
district this week unveiled two new hives, following on from Etterbeek,
Molenbeek and Elsene.

“Often it’s a question of greenwashing,” Wollast said. “Companies and
organisations want to do something about biodiversity, but that’s a
difficult challenge. A beehive is a relatively simple solution, and it’s
also popular, since the honey works as a sort of calling card – a way to
show off one’s green credentials. Watermaal-Bosvoorde, for example, gives
out pots of honey to newlyweds.” Jette now plans to do the same with the
product from its hives.

Apis Bruoc Sella <http://www.apisbruocsella.be/> is joined in its call for
a census of beehives by the environmental organisation Leefmilieu
which would give a clear picture of the situation. The two groups also
support a campaign to encourage companies and others to try other options
for improving biodiversity, such as installing green roofs and climbing
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