[Pollinator] FW: Job Opening! IPBES Technical Support Officer Vacancy for Pollination Assessment

Laurie Adams lda at pollinator.org
Tue May 20 00:16:20 PDT 2014

From: International Commission on Plant-Bee Relations [mailto:ICPBR at LISTSERV.UOGUELPH.CA] On Behalf Of Peter Kevan
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 3:07 PM
Subject: Job Opening! IPBES Technical Support Officer Vacancy for Pollination Assessment


This sounds interesting for someone with energy, imagination, and dedication.  Peter


Dear all,


Please find attached a vacancy announcement for a consultant to work at the IPBES Secretariat on the pollination assessment. The advert can also be found on the IPBES website. Could you please circulate the advert amongst your networks or with anyone you think would be particularly interested, noting that the deadline is very soon on the 29th May?


Many thanks,



Matthew Dixon

Programme Assistant

Ecosystem Assessment Programme

United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre

219 Huntingdon Road

Cambridge, CB3 0DL

United Kingdom


Tel: +44 (0) 1223 814 738

Email:  <mailto:matthew.dixon at unep-wcmc.org> matthew.dixon at unep-wcmc.org

 <http://www.unep-wcmc.org/> www.unep-wcmc.org



UNEP-WCMC - serving the biodiversity community for 30 years 
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