[Pollinator] Fwd: Viola Pedata poster

Peter Bernhardt bernhap2 at slu.edu
Mon Mar 23 12:04:16 PDT 2015

On Friday 20 March 2015 the Department of Biology at St. Louis University
had their annual undergraduate poster exhibition.  All posters are based on
projects by undergraduate mentored by faculty at the Department of Biology
at St. Louis U.  Ms. Dowen Jocson represented the Bernhardt/Meier
Laboratory.  Many of you will see that this is her second poster on the
pollination of the American birds foot violet (Viola pedata).  The study
has expanded to two sites (Cuivre River and the Shaw Nature Reserve) To
compare two populations of very different sizes with very different ratios
of bicolor to concolor forms.  You will also see that the number of bee
species involved in the pollination of these flowers increased but, so far,
there's not much different between the sheer number of bee species at each
site. Pressed vouchers were sent to the MOBOT herbarium and the seeds
produced by each color form were sent to Dr. Ginger Allington at the Shaw
Nature Reserve (Missouri Botanical Garden) and have been placed in
appropriate storage for future germination.  Botanical gardens that want to
grow this species should contact Dr. Allington.

Dowen's poster did not win the competition.  Someone's lab study on rat
physiology was the winner.  There's no accounting for taste.  We are proud
of Dowen and she will start her Masters in Biology at St. Louis U. in July
2015 in the laboratory of Dr. Kasey Fowler-Finn.  We have one more season
of fieldwork to do on Viola pedata before we can write it up as a
peer-reviewed paper.  Fieldwork should begin in another week or two.

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