[Pollinator] Citizen Scientists Will Be Rewarded For Monitoring Butterflies This Month

Marcus Gray nabadirector at gmail.com
Mon May 15 14:31:11 PDT 2017

Dear Colleagues:

Please find the attached press release about an upcoming citizen science opportunity at the end of the month. The North American Butterfly Association is looking to collect additional information on butterflies earlier in the flight season compared to the 4th of July Counts. The format of the Memorial Day weekend event is open and counts may take place anywhere for as much time as the observer desires. If you would, please share this in your circles. There is also a Canadian counterpart for Victoria Day. As always, sightings from Mexico are welcome too. Thanks in advance!



Marcus B. Gray, MS
Executive Director
North American Butterfly Association
4 Delaware Road
Morristown, NJ 07960
973-285-0907 (o)
434-258-4232 (c)
gray at naba.org

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