[Pollinator] Fwd: way cool

Laurie Adams lda at pollinator.org
Sat Dec 7 10:11:02 PST 2019

Great story.


Laurie Davies Adams
President and CEO

Pollinator Partnership

475 Sansome Street, 17th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94111

e:  LDA at pollinator.org <lda at pollinator.org>

w:  www.pollinator.org

o: 415.362.1137

c: 415.260.8092

[image: facebook.jpg] <http://www.facebook.com/ThePollinatorPartnership>


*Bee Friendly Farming* is good for farmers and for pollinators.

Find out more at www.pollinator.org/BFF  <http://www.pollinator.org/BFF>
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