[Pollinator] FW: Batrafest 2019, A Symposium for Dr. Suzanne Batra. May 3, 2019, Maryland, USA

Evans, Jay Jay.Evans at ARS.USDA.GOV
Fri Mar 15 12:17:49 PDT 2019

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From: "Evans, Jay" <Jay.Evans at ARS.USDA.GOV>
Date: Friday, March 15, 2019 at 2:59 PM
To: "pollinator at lists.sonic.net" <pollinator at lists.sonic.net>
Cc: "Francisco J. Posada-Florez" <fjavierposada at gmail.com>, Miriam Richards <richardsmiriam1 at gmail.com>, Sarah Kocher <skocher at gmail.com>
Subject: Batrafest 2019, A Symposium for Dr. Suzanne Batra. May 3, 2019, Maryland, USA

Join us and Dr. Suzanne Batra for a Symposium honoring Suzanne's long and varied career, from pioneering work with social evolution to numerous applied and fundamental discoveries in bees and the environment. As a bonus, Suzanne will give the final word on what she meant when she coined the term “eusocial” 55 years ago!  May 3, 2019, USDA Log Lodge, Beltsville, MD 20705

•             8:30-9:30- Signing in and Coffee, USDA Log Lodge, Beltsville, MD USA
•             9:30 Dr. Jay Evans, USDA-ARS Bee Research Lab, “Suzanne at the USDA”
•             9:45: Dr. Francisco Posada-Florez, USDA-ARS Bee Research Lab, “Suzanne’s diverse contributions to bee science”
•             10:00-Plenary Lecture: Dr. Miriam Richards, Brock University, " "Sweat bees, carpenter bees, and the (slowly) evolving definition of insect sociality"
•             10:30-10:45 Break
•             10:45- Plenary Lecture: Dr. Sarah Kocher, Princeton University, "The interplay of genes and ecology in the evolution of eusociality".
•             11:15 Dr. Suzanne Batra "You say Eusocial: what did I say? And a life with bees”
•             12:00 – 1:00 Lunch, sandwiches
•             1:00-3:00 10 additional speakers (selected from attendees)
•             3:00-5:00 Discussions and a tour of Suzanne's bee pastures and nesting sites
•             5:00- 7:00 Catered Dinner, Indian food
     Optional field trips on May 4


Jay Evans and Francisco Posada-Florez (USDA), Miriam Richards (Brock Univ), Sarah Kocher (Princeton Univ)

Dr. Jay Evans
Research Leader
USDA-ARS Bee Research Lab 🐝
BARC-E Bldg 306 Beltsville, MD 20705 USA
Ph 301-504-5143  FX 301-504-8736, jay.evans at ars.usda.gov

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