[Pollinator] The American Public and Honey Bees - Your Input Needed

Mona Miller mona.miller at cox.net
Mon Mar 5 17:49:43 PST 2007

The same directive I would give to those wanting to save their tiny bit of
our planet, many, many tiny bits make up a whole.  It does matter what you
do on your tiny bit of the planet:

- Plant host/nectar plants
- Don't use herbicides and pesticides
- Don't worry if you lawn has clover and dandelions, bees and butterfly love
- If allowable allow as much of your property as possible to grow naturally
(convert to fields), but these must be maintain by mowing every 3 years or
they will convert to forest.  I see mega lawns all over the place.
- Contact your local highway and community and see if you can get them to
allow more green spaces to grow wild.
- Don't mow until the first hard frost to allow the bees and butterflies to
continue nectaring.

If you do these things, your tiny bit of the planet will help to create a
healthier world!!

There's a new association called "Association for Butterflies" and one of
their purposes is conservation.


Mona Miller
Herndon, VA (USA)  }i{ }i{ }i{
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Ladadams at aol.com>
To: <pollinator at coevolution.org>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 8:11 PM
Subject: [Pollinator] The American Public and Honey Bees - Your Input Needed
Paul Growald has been asked to appear on the Martha Stewart Show to discuss
honeybees and current issues in honeybees.  One of the questions the
producers posed to him was what the American public could do to help the
honeybee.  We have some ideas, but would love to hear from you - What
simple, memorable and clear directives would you give to the average
American to help the honeybee?
Please send your replies to me at _LDA at coevolution.org_
(mailto:LDA at coevolution.org)  by the end of this week (March 9).
Thanks to you all.

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