[Pollinator] Fwd: Apoid Specimens Available

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Wed Apr 20 09:50:09 PDT 2011

 From: amdillon at syr.edu
To: bernhap2 at slu.edu, Michael.Arduser at mdc.mo.gov,  
adafni at research.haifa.ac.il, ewinkler11 at stlcc.edu, Andrew.Brown at dec.wa.gov.au,  
paul at ethnomedicine.org, amille75 at slu.edu, ahuber at eou.edu,  jrakeroyd at dsl.pipex.com, 
david.bogler at mobot.org, berrycl at slu.edu,  beemonitoring at yahoogroups.com, 
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florian.schiestl at systbot.uzh.ch, roman.kaiser at givaudan.com,  frankie at nature.berkeley.edu, 
flannerm at stjohns.edu, camilogr at slu.edu,  pgoldblatt at oregoncoast.com, 
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rpemberton5 at gmail.com, claire.michenau at ulb.ac.be, claire.micheneau at ulb.ac.be,  
S.Hopper at kew.org, j.alcock at asu.edu, johnsonsd at ukzn.ac.za,  phh4 at leicester.ac.uk, 
hnonnenm at pittstate.edu, hwang7 at slu.edu,  Ladadams at aol.com
Sent: 4/20/2011 9:21:46 A.M. Pacific Daylight  Time
Subj: Apoid Specimens Available

Good Afternoon All! 
My name is Amanda Dillon, I am currently working as the Assistant Ecologist 
 at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve.  I recently completed my master's  
degree studying apoid bees and wasps in northern Onondaga county and, last  year, 
I conducted that same research for the Pine Bush.  These studies  have 
resulted in thousands of specimens which are currently stored in vials of  
ethanol.  I would have liked to have dried and pinned as I went, but time  and 
money limited that capability.  I am in the process of pinning  representative 
collections for both locations but will have a number of  specimens left 
over. I am writing today to discover if anyone on this  listserv would have 
any use for these specimens or knows of anyone who  would.  The vials do not 
have species identifications in them, all the  data is contained in 
corresponding excel worksheets, which I could  provide.  Unfortunately, the local 
museums do not have much use for  specimens stored in ethanol that are not 
individually labeled, which I  can understand. However, I know that some people 
out there are  conducting genetic research on certain genera and thought 
these  might be especially useful to those individuals in particular but please 
 let me know if you have any use for them! 
Thanks so much! 
Amanda Dillon   

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