[Pollinator] USFWS State Wildlife Grant for monarch conservation in PNW

Matthew Shepherd mdshepherd at xerces.org
Tue Jun 2 14:21:01 PDT 2015

We’re happy to announce that the Xerces Society is partnering with the
Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Washington Department of Fish and
Wildlife to map the distribution of milkweed and monarch butterflies in
those two states. The project is funded by a grant to Idaho DFG from the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s State Wildlife Grants program. These
grants focus on large-scale conservation projects to conserve and recover
species of greatest conservation need and their habitats.

The project partners will compile historical data on monarch butterfly and
milkweed occurrence as well as gather new records—from surveys and through
the development of an online milkweed reporting system that can be used by
citizen scientists—to map the distribution of these species. By doing so,
the partners will identify key habitats essential to monarch conservation
and identify threats that may adversely affect them.

This assessment of both milkweed and monarchs will allow them to be
integrated into the State Wildlife Action Plans and steps taken that will
reduce threats to both. Information, data, and tools developed by the
partners will be shared with decision makers, land managers, researchers
and other stakeholders to facilitate on the ground action to support the
conservation of monarch butterflies and other pollinator species.

Our thanks go to staff at Idaho DFG and Washington DFW for their work in
the development of this project.

To read the USFWS announcement and see a full list of SWG grant recipients,
please go to



*Matthew Shepherd*, Communications Director

*The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation     *Protecting the Life
that Sustains Us

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mdshepherd at xerces.org

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international
nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of
invertebrates and their habitat. To join the Society, make a donation, or
read about our work, please visit www.xerces.org.
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