[Pollinator] Floral calendars for beekeepers and natural historians interested in pollinators/pollination

Peter Kevan pkevan at uoguelph.ca
Mon Mar 23 10:15:21 PDT 2015

Dear All: 

Here are the url addresses for two floral calendars.  One is for Canada nationally and the other for Ontario.  

I think that this format could be useful anywhere in the world and would be able to use the same template and system for similar outreach publications on a region by region basis.  The original data were input from an .xls spreadsheet that I created.  

I am sure that the people that did these calendars would be able to do the same thing for others for a modest cost if the spreadsheet data were provided. Please let me know if there is interest in your part of the world. 

It is simple to add and subtract entries onto the calendars with a password.

I have tested these here and they work well.





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