[Pollinator] Managing orchard mason bees for crop pollination [webinar, Oct 28]

Melathopoulos, Andony andony.melathopoulos at oregonstate.edu
Wed Oct 14 11:37:09 PDT 2020

Please pass this message on to any fruit or nut growers you know. We held the practice session today and there is some great practical information by some of the best orchard bee producers in the West. Pesticide recertification credits available for some states.


Wednesday October 28th | 9am – noon (PST)
A series of short talks from industry professionals on the basics of orchard bee management and their deployment for crop pollination. These talks are designed to help growers better understand how to incorporate mason bees into their pollination programs.

Cost: $10.

Register: www.orchardbee.org/upcoming-events-1<http://www.orchardbee.org/upcoming-events-1>
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1261638714170209


  1.  Why Mason Bees? (Theresa Pitts-Singer, USDA ARS)
  2.  How to incubate and release the bees. (Steve Peterson, Foothills Bee Ranch)
  3.  How to deploy bees in an orchard and nesting options. (Brian Bly, Hart Farms)
  4.  How to manage summer development and cool down. (Dave Hunter, Crown Bees)
  5.  How to clean cocoons and store for winter. (Morgan Dunn, Orchard Bee Association)
  6.  Osmia pests and their management. (Glen Trostle, retired, USDA ARS)
  7.  Marketing the bees, OBA’s role, and concluding remarks. (Jim Watts, Watts Bees)



Andony Melathopoulos, Assistant Professor Pollinator Health Extension
Department of Horticulture | Oregon State University
4017 Agricultural and Life Science Building | Corvallis, OR 97331-7304
cell: (541) 452-3038 | Andony.Melathopoulos at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Name at youremail.com>
website<https://twitter.com/oregonbeeproj> | twitter<https://twitter.com/oregonbeeproj> | facebook<https://www.facebook.com/oregonbeeproject/> | instagram<https://www.instagram.com/oregonbeeproject/> | podcast<http://pollinationpodcast.oregonstate.edu/>

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