[atariparty-news] Atari Party 2010 date & location confirmed!

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Feb 8 15:33:08 PST 2010

The Atari Party has been scheduled!

  Sunday, March 14th
  12:00pm - 8:00pm

It will be held at a small community building in Davis:

  Redwood Park Community Building
  1001 Anderson Road
  Davis, CA 95616

Note: There's no parking lot there, but there should be
plenty of street parking.  If you're local, please consider
biking, walking, taking a bus, or carpooling.

We've got nearly 300 different games lined up to be available
this year (from "Ace of Aces" to "Zaxxon"), running on
17 different types of hardware (over 30 systems are coming;
we'll do our best to hook them all up at once).

There's going to be a raffle, too!  We've received 9 books
from O'Reilly Media, including "Retro Gaming Hacks"
and "Gaming Hacks", among others.  We're expecting four
USB joysticks from Legacy Engineering -- these are shaped like the
classic Atari 2600 sticks.  And we'll be giving away three
$100 gift certificates to ThinkGeek.com.

Speaking of sponsorship, I'd like to thank Kevin Savetz of
Savetz Publishing, the curator of AtariArchives.org and
Classic Computer Magazine Archive, for a large donation
towards renting the venue.  Thanks also to Scott West Productions
for allowing us to screen their film "Once Upon Atari".

And speaking of films... we're lined up to screen "Once Upon Atari".
We're also looking into screening the classic Disney video game
film from 1982, "Tron"!

Start spreading the word!  Send your friends to:


See you in March! :)

Sent from my computer

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