[atariparty-news] Atari Party 2014 is less than 2 weeks away!

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun Jun 1 10:29:23 PDT 2014

This year's Atari Party (at the Sunnyvale Public Library this time around)
is less than two weeks away!

Please join us, if you can, all day (10am-4pm) on Saturday, June 14th,
for tons of games (Atari VCS thru Jaguar, plus some arcade games),
two guest speaker presentations (Al Alcorn & Dan Kramer), and two historical
displays (by Digital Game Museum and Dan Kramer).

Along with volunteers from DGM and the public library, an additional
10 people (so far) are bringing game and/or computer systems from their

Feel free to connect with Atari Party on Facebook (and share it with your
friends, so they don't miss the chance to come enjoy Atari history too!)

  'Atari Party' page

  'Atari Party 2014' event

You can also find an image you can post online, as well as a PDF flyer you
can print out and post at work or your favorite coffee shop, on the
"Photos" page of the 2014 event's website:


(There, you'll also whet your appetite for Atari by checking out
some pre-show photos from this year's event!)

Thanks in advance and see many of you very soon!

Sent from my computer

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