[atariparty-news] Thanks to all who came!

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Jun 17 02:02:50 PDT 2014

Thanks to everyone who came and made this year's Atari Party a blast!
It's been estimated that _500 people_ came.  That seems like an exaggeration,
but then again it _was_ pretty packed a lot of the time!

I've posted my own photos of the event:

There are others floating around out there, too -- check flickr, Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook, etc.  (I'll link to what I can, at the bottom of
the Photos page)

If you have any that you'd be willing to share, let me know and I'll
fetch them and post them on that page, as well.  (Email me off-list, to
avoid cluttering people's inboxes.)

Also, if you missed it, we were in the news!



Thanks again!

Sent from my computer

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