[atariparty] Anyone able to do 8-bit upgrades?

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Mar 11 17:11:01 PST 2010

Conrad was hoping Bob Woolley might be able to lend him
a hand during the party, but Bob's not going to be able
to make it due to a conflict.

Is anyone out here capable of lending a hand?
(I don't think Conrad is on this list.)

  Anyone who know how to upgrade 1 Mb for my NTSC 800XL and NTSC XEGS ?
  If anyone know how, then I would be happy to bring my NSTC 800XL and
  XEGS. Reason, I am more comfortable to using them cause the cartridges
  is on the top of computer instead of 130XE or 65XE had rear cartridges
  slot or 1200XL , left side.


Sent from my computer

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