[atariparty] "Gamers Gift", mini-Atari-Party opportunity

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sat Feb 3 00:20:57 PST 2018

Hi all, from the rainy Pacific Northwest!

Over on Facebook, Marlin & I were contacted by Dillon Hill, who's
part of "Gamer's Gift" <https://gamersgift.org/>, a "student-run
Non-Profit Organization serving the Sacramento Area [which promotes]
well-being and positive spirits through the use of video games and
other electronic media."

They have a convention coming up in April and, wanted to see if Atari Party
would be interested in partnering.  They can provide space to have our[*]
own mini-event at the Sacramento Convention Center to support their

[*] "Our" as in "all you Atari Party folks", not including me, since I'm
    now living two states away. :)

They'll be launching things next week, and were hoping to have a few
groups (like Atari Party) confirmed so we can help promote them.

Marlin, or anyone else who'd be interested in putting something together,
let me know, and I'll give Dillon your contact info!

Thanks & happy new year!

PS - Thinking of y'all lately.  I'll be exhibiting some Atari 8-bits at
Vintage Computer Festival: Pacific Northwest in Seattle next weekend!
I just had to get my trusty Commodore 1902 CRT monitor repaired, too! :)

Sent from my computer

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