[atariparty] Fwd: Announcing California Extreme 2024!

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Mar 6 22:39:10 PST 2024

In case any Atari Partians are out here (hello from sunny Washington state),
this year's California Extreme has been announced for this July down in
Santa Clara.

Hope y'all are doing well!  Play some Bump n Jump for me!


----- Forwarded message from California Extreme <news at caextreme.org> -----

Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:34:14 +0000 (UTC)
From: California Extreme <news at caextreme.org>
To: nbs at sonic.net
Subject: Announcing California Extreme 2024!
Reply-To: news at caextreme.org

We are pleased to announce the dates for this year's California Extreme Arcade and Pinball Show. It will be held on July 27-28, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara, California. Please join us for our 28th show with hundreds of your favorite arcade and pinball games, both past and present, all gathered for another fun-filled weekend of arcade excitement for everyone!

We are working on this year’s lineup of seminars, guest speakers, and other arcade-themed events that make the show so much fun each year. On that note, we are looking to you (as we have before), the arcade community, for suggestions for topics and speakers. Is there something you would like to see presented (or even to present yourself)? This is your chance to let us know what you would like to see! Send us an e-mail at info at caextreme.org ( info at caextreme.org ) and let us know. We welcome all suggestions and will consider each one carefully.

Start making your plans, requesting time off work, making reservations by planes, trains, automobiles, and especially trucks to come out and join us for another crazy, arcade-filled weekend! And be sure to let us know if you are interested in bringing games and/or volunteering to help us out by contacting us at info at caextreme.org ( info at caextreme.org ). Both are most welcome (and can be worth free admission and/or other goodies!).

Thanks to all our previous exhibitors and volunteers. We hope we can count on you again, and if you have never brought games or volunteered before, why not give it a try this time? Even bringing one or two games is very much appreciated. I f you have more games you are considering bringing, contact us for more details. Sure, it may be a little work, but you may be pleasantly surprised at how much more fun you may have in the end. We promise.

We will announce later when the hotel will be accepting reservations (please don’t contact the hotel as the block is not set up yet) and when show tickets will be on sale.

The Extreme Team

California Extreme

13436 Pastel Ln , Mountain View , CA 

----- End forwarded message -----

Sent from my computer

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