[Grupito] : "Brunch" especial, el domingo 16 de mayo

Ecomujeres at aol.com Ecomujeres at aol.com
Tue May 4 21:20:46 PDT 2010

Barbara Waterman les  invita a un "brunch" dominical en su casa, 16 de  
a las 11 de la  manaña. 
Traigan un plato y/o una  bebida para compartir.  Xequina  presentará unos  
cuentos folclóricos que  ella ha recolectado de la tradición oral en  Mexico
No hay otra  lectura. 
El RSVP, con AL MENOS 2  días de anticipación, a Barbara es obligatorio: 
pachabarbara en earthlink.net o por  telefono: 510-832-8169 
874  Portal Ave., Oakland 
(Directions: 580 towards Hayward, exit Grand Ave., stay on  frontage road 
until Lakeshore, make a left, thru shopping area, right on  Mandana, up hill 
thru 2 stop signs and one light. She is first left after  light.  For 
alternate directions,  use Mapquest or Yahoo Maps) 
Barbara Waterman invites you to a Sunday Brunch at her place  on May 16th 
at 11 am. 
Bring  a plate and/or drink to share.  Xequina will tell stories she has 
gathered from the oral folkloric  tradition of Mexico.   
There  is no other reading. 
An  RSVP is required, with AT LEAST two days notice.   
Email: pachabarbara en earthlink.net or telephone:  510-832-8169 
874  Portal Ave., Oakland 
(Directions: 580 towards Hayward, exit Grand Ave., stay on  frontage road 
until Lakeshore, make a left, thru shopping area, right on  Mandana, up hill 
thru 2 stop signs and one light. She is first left after  light.  For 
alternate directions,  use Mapquest or Yahoo Maps) 

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