[HECnet] SCA disks...

MG marcogb at xs4all.nl
Wed Jul 6 00:54:42 PDT 2011

On 6-7-2011 1:27, Mark Benson wrote:
Anyone any idea how loud these might be - bit worried 15k drives will be a bit whiny:


Can't really tell but from the lids they look like Seagates.

It depends how new, or modern, the disk is and what quantity.   All of my modern 15K (but
also 10K) disks, i.e. all of 73 GB and above, are almost silent compared to older disks.
Maybe I've been lucky, but this has been my experience so far.

These HP original disks in 'ring' sleds (like in the eBay auction) would typically belong
to the above category and are usually of great quality and not high-pitched.   Surely not
louder than an rx2600/rx2620, zx6000 even, or let alone rx1600/rx1620 (needless to say,
of course).

- MG

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