[HECnet] Linux dropping support for DECnet

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Wed Nov 30 17:22:35 PST 2011

At 11:44 AM -1000 11/30/11, Angela Kahealani wrote:
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 06:06:07AM -0800, Bob Armstrong wrote:
    FYI - it sounds like the Linux kernel guys are discussing dropping support
for DECnet.   I don't know how many other HECnet people use Linux (I know I
do!), but if you're interested you might want to join the linux-decnet-user

I'm still awaiting clear and complete instructions on how to set-up the
Panda TOPS-20 distro on top of Linux, to even *become* a HECNET user.
Until such time as the DECNET community cares enough to document this,
I'm going to fail to particpate, and therefore give a damn.

If you need clear and complete instructions on how to do it, are you sure you want to do it?   Having said that, there are links to most of the documentation I'm aware of at my PDP-10 emulation website.


I won't guarantee that all the links are current, it's been a long time since I updated that part of the site.   I've started working on some updates, but to the best of my recollection no one has sent updates on the PDP-10 stuff.

Setting up KLH10 is a pretty basic compile, IIRC.   The instructions with KLH10 should be enough to accomplish that.   You might want to get on the alt.sys.pdp10 newsgroup, as that's a good place to ask questions.

Basically don't expect the "community" to do something for you, if you want something, take the time to research the available resources, and then ask questions in the appropriate places if you're stuck.


| Zane H. Healy                                       | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at aracnet.com                           | OpenVMS Enthusiast                 |
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