Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Tue Nov 8 12:25:10 PST 2011

Tried from MIM, and I can't even do a directory.
Got a "remote disconnect or line failure" error.

But I can talk NICE to RHESUS... Looking at MIM counters, everything looks fine. Looking at RHESUS counters, it has plenty of response timeouts.

So it appears the data from RHESUS to MIM gets lost sometimes. In this case just for doing a directory on RHESUS...

Looking at the UDP traffic, it looks like the packets are coming in to Update, so it might be an issue with E11 (I've had an issue before where it could drop ethernet packets under some circumstances).
But I'm not sure why it fails for you, Saku, since your traffic should not pass by MIM anyway, even though it do pass through Update.

But anyway, it (for me) definitely does not look like I have problems with packets being thrown away. Actually, the packet size of individual UDP packets is 609 bytes. DECnet normally do not send lager packets than defined by the EXEC parameter "segment buffer size" (or "buffer size" in VMS). And the default for this is 576 bytes. Add some overhead to that, and 609 bytes sounds reasonable.


On 2011-11-08 17.50, Saku Set  l   wrote:

but since it didn't work I tried smaller files from [FAL$SERVER] but it
still didn't work out. Directory comes out fine.



On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Johnny Billquist <bqt at softjar.se
<mailto:bqt at softjar.se>> wrote:

      On 2011-11-08 05.38, Saku Set  l   wrote:


              I tried to pull some files from RHESUS media library, but don't get
              anything, just

              -SYSTEM-F-LINKABORT, network partner aborted logical link

              I have no problem on copying files from MIM.

              MTU issues on the internet uplink?

      Nope. Whatever it is, I seriously doubt that is it.
      Unless some firewall blocks fragmenting, the MTU is not really ever
      an issue.

      The error might be because of excessive lost packets. Maybe some
      throttling could help. What files are you trying to pull? I can try
      and experiment some.


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