INFO.TXT, was Re: [HECnet] UPDATE: HECNET.HLP file for VMS systems

sampsa at sampsa at
Sat Dec 29 10:10:13 PST 2012

Here's an example:

---- SNIP ----

Welcome to CHIMPY::, part of the SAMPSACOM network.

Currently active users for email include:


We offer the following guest logons:
	ACCOUNT - Use this to request an account on CHIMPY::
	B4BBS     - Gateway to the SAMPSACOM Bulletin Board System, B4BBS.
	TETRIS   - Awesome VT100 tetris game.
              PYFFLE   - A Python re-implementation of the coolest BBS software ever, Waffle

Thank you,

Sampsa Laine (CHIMPY::SAMPSA)


ADDR |NAME   |OWNER                   |EMAIL                       |HARDWARE                           |OS                         |LOCATION                                       |NOTES
8.401|CHIMPY|Sampsa Laine     |sampsa at     |AlphaServer DS10           |OpenVMS 8.3       |London, England                         |Main SAMPSACOM system, SMTP gateway (CHIMPYMAIL.COM)
8.400|GORVAX|Sampsa Laine     |sampsa at     |SIMH VAX on OSX/Intel |OpenVMS 7.3       |London, England                         |MULTINET bridge to Area 2, Area router                                                             
8.403|RHESUS|Sampsa Laine     |sampsa at     |HP rx2600 Dual 900MHz |OpenVMS 8.4E     |London, England                         |File libraries available                                                             
8.500|PYFFLE|Sampsa Laine     |system at|VMWare                               |Pyffle BBS         |London, England                         |Waffle reimplementation BBS, log in as pyffle for access

---- SNIP ----

Sampsa Laine   <sampsa at>

On 29 Dec 2012, at 19:57, Dave McGuire <mcguire at> wrote:

On 12/29/2012 10:00 AM, sampsa at wrote:
type nikkel::info.txt
%TYPE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for NIKKEL::INFO.TXT;
-RMS-E-FND, ACP file or directory lookup failed
-SYSTEM-F-INVLOGIN, login information invalid at remote node

Won't work until there's a default FAL user and an INFO.TXT...

So what's supposed to be in this INFO.TXT file that everyone's been
talking about lately?   I think I may be too much of a newcomer here to
know about it.   Where should it be, and what should it contain?


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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