[HECnet] Anyone got spare MMJ-MMJ console cables?

Mark Wickens mark at wickensonline.co.uk
Fri Dec 21 08:26:24 PST 2012

On 21/12/2012 16:25, Mark Benson wrote:
On 21 Dec 2012, at 14:55, Clem Cole wrote:

Good point, I took a DEC tool and turned the plate around for Mind Storms hacking.     But my point is that the tools and plugs are findable - as they are even on amazon.
They are findable, I have them and I only bought them a few months ago, but the investment required to get started is significant. The cable is only available in either short lengths to order (which is expensive ) or 100m drums (which his cheaper but involves significant outlay). The plugs are readily available on eBay - probably not the finest quality but good enough for what we need. The crimp tools... well finding a good one took a while but they, again, a significant outlay even for a basic one.

I charge my cables based on 50p per metre of cable plus 25p for each of the MMJ terminations. I can do other terminations such as RJ45 and DB9 but they are more expensive, especially if they require cross-wiring. I don't think that's unreasonable given the investment I made to in equipment and parts and the time it takes me to make and test each cable.

You'll be a millyonaire by christmas I tell ya...

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